The department has Xray and CT scan and 4D ultrasound has all probs which help us to do deferent ultrasound investigation, Ready to work 24 hours and able to do all radiological investigations,
- Abdominal ultrasound
- Doppler vascular ultrasound
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Neck ultrasound
- Echocardiography
- Vaginal ultrasound.
- Intervention (biopsy, drainage…etc)
CT scan for:
- Brain
- Neck-orbit-PNS-petrous bone
- Abdomen pelvis (all types of contrast)
- Stone protocol
- Chest
- Angiography (cerebral-aorta-U. limb-L. limb)
- Virtual colonoscopy
- All joint
- 3d reconstruction
- Digital plan radiography
- All special techniques
- (IVU -H.G. S-barium-urethrogram-cystogram)
Image processing and archiving:
- A modern electronic system that relies on electronic and computer devices to
- process and archive radiographs with all patient information for many years and with high accuracy.
- Ability to process images with the latest digital programs.
- patient get all his images by hard and soft copies.